A downloadable game

Your job is to take packages from the conveyor belt and throw them into the correct coloured truck by checking for the coloured box on the Package label. If there is no coloured box on the label, you can go ahead and dispose of it in our "Special Deliveries" pile in the corner (Not our fault people cant label their packages properly). If you mess up too many times or drop these packages, you can kiss your job goodbye!

Developed in Unreal Engine 5!

I didn't realise the game jam was on and only started this with like 3 days left and even then it was only made in like under 24 hours total because I had to go to work and stuff (boring)! If I started when the game began and also called off work for the week and didn't sleep this game would be so much better artistically and visually but I'm decently happy with how this turned out and am honestly considering fleshing this out and polishing it for a proper release. This is my first game that I have "finished" and published online for people to play after many MANY years of developing prototypes and learning game development. Let me know what you think and thank you for playing!

P.S. Sorry for no quest version. I tried to package it but it didn't want to work and I couldn't be bothered spending hours trying to fix it and uninstalling and reinstalling android things and settings the paths. 

Assets Used:
Funky Upbeat Loop - https://freesound.org/people/ispeakwaves/sounds/384932/ 
Correct and Incorrect Chime - https://freesound.org/people/LaurenPonder/sounds/639432/ 
Sad Trombone - https://freesound.org/people/kirbydx/sounds/175409/ 
FX Variety Pack - https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/a36bac8b05004e999dd4b1d33...


BoxedUp.zip 193 MB

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